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Introducing Lynne Wright, Our Good Neighbours Coordinator

The Good Neighbours programme was set up as an emergency response during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was started by Derby City council, at the time there were over 2000 volunteers.

Lynne is our Good Neighbours Coordinator, she recruits volunteers and helps people with every step of the registration process. Alongside this Lynne receives all the referrals for Good Neighbours support and matches each referral to a Good Neighbour.

"I ring all the referrals I receive to get a better understanding of what they are looking for and to get permission to share details with a Good Neighbour. I will then arrange with a local Good Neighbour that can provide what the person is after."

Why is the Good Neighbours programme so important?

"I strongly believe that Good Neighbours volunteers make a difference to peoples lives. Without them, some people see no-one week after week, they can’t attend medical appointments and struggle to get their food shopping. We are helping to take some of the pressures that Adult Social Care and the NHS face."

Why should people become Good Neighbours?

"Volunteers get a real sense of purpose and achievement. The feeling of giving something back to society. A lot of our Good Neighbour’s are retired or not working and get a real sense of making a difference. They also make new friends along the way."

It is such a rewarding programme. The difference we make to people’s lives by just going round for a cuppa and a chat or helping them with shopping has such a big impact on their lives. It doesn’t have to take up all your time and hopefully make a new friendship along the way. Volunteers can really give as little or much time as they like. It can be an hour a week, a few hours a week or more.

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